问卷介绍-关于玩家玩Apex Legends所涉及的信息行为调查(A research about gamers who play the Apex Legends)


The University of Sheffield
Information School
To investigate the information behaviours that players engaged in when deciding whether to play Apex Legends

Junzhe Chen Email: jchen122@sheffield.ac.uk ; Supervisor Sheila Webber s.webber@sheffield.ac.uk

Purpose of the research
The purpose of the research is to promote the gamer’s game experience further by investigating their information behaviours that they engaged in when deciding to play Apex Legends.

Who will be participating?
I am inviting adults aged 18+ who have ever played Apex Legends.

What will you be asked to do?
I will ask you to complete the questionnaire by picking the answers that most suitably describe you and your behaviour in deciding to play Apex Legends.

What are the potential risks of participating?
The risks of participating are the same as those experienced in everyday life.

What data will I collect?
The questionnaire will have a few demographic questions (e.g. age) and some questions about playing Apex Legends and your information behaviour.

What will I do with the data?
I will be analyzing the data for inclusion in my Masters dissertation. The data will stored on the Information School’s research data drive which can be accessed only by me, my supervisor, and the School’s Examinations Officer and ICT staff operating the facility. I will also store an encrypted password protected back up copy on my personal laptop. This data will be deleted within 1 year of research being completed.

Will your participation be confidential?
I will anonymise the data and code the computer files with a random number prior to analysis. No identifying information will be retained. And there is no any personal details (such as name) that need to be provided in the questionnaire.

What will happen to the results of the research project?
The results of this study will be included in my master’s dissertation, and may be included in scholarly publications.

What is the legal basis for processing your personal data?
The University of Sheffield will act as the Data Controller for this study. This means that the University is responsible for looking after your information and using it properly. In order to collect and use your personal information as part of this research project, we must have a basis in law to do so. The basis that we are using is that the research is ‘a task in the public interest’.

Declaration of consent

• I confirm that I have read and understand the description of the research project, and that I have had an opportunity to ask questions about the project.

• I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at before 1 August 2019 without any negative consequences.

• I understand that if I withdraw I can request for the data I have already provided to be deleted, however this might not be possible if the data has already been anonymised or findings published.

• I understand that I may decline to answer any particular question or questions, or to do any of the activities.

• I understand that my responses will be kept strictly confidential, that my name or identity will not be linked to any research materials, and that I will not be identified or identifiable in any report or reports that result from the research, unless I have agreed otherwise.

• I give permission for all the research team members to have access to my responses.

• I give permission for the research team to re-use my data for future research as specified above.

• I agree to take part in the research project as described above.

Note: Further information, including details about how and why the University processes your personal information, how we keep your information secure, and your legal rights (including how to complain if you feel that your personal information has not been handled correctly), can be found in the University’s Privacy Notice https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/govern/data-protection/privacy/general.
If you have any difficulties with, or wish to voice concern about, any aspect of your participation in this study, please contact Dr Paul Reilly, Research Ethics Coordinator, Information School, The University of Sheffield (ischool_ethics@sheffield.ac.uk).



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关于玩家玩Apex Legends所涉及的信息行为调查(A research about gamers who play the Apex Legends)的主要内容

以下是所有的问卷题目及其选项, 建议大家尽量使用”问卷星”作为网络问卷平台, 支持的题型更多, 更好用, 数据分析更方便。


第1题:你是否接受知情同意书并同意参与调查并填写问卷? Do you give you consent to be participants of the research?*[单选题][不能为空]


第2题:你的年龄是? What age are you?*[单选题][必答题]


第3题:你的性别是?What gender  are you?*[单选题][不能为空]

1女 Female
2男 Male
3其他 Other/Prefer not to say

第4题:你的国籍是? What is you nationality?*[单选题][必须填]

1中国 China
2英国 UK
3欧盟国家 EU
4美国 USA
5其他 Other/Prefer not to say

第5题:你的教育背景是? What is your education backgroud?*[单选题][必须填]

1初高中 Secondary School/ High School
2大专 College
3本科生 Undergraduate Degree
4研究生 Postgraduate Degree
5博士生 PhD
6其他 Other

第6题:你一个月的工资是多少? What is your monthly income?*[单选题][必答题]

1无收入 No income
2低于五百美元 Less than $500
3五百到一千美元 $500-1000
4一千零一到两千美元 $1001-2000
5两千零一到三千美元 $2001-3000
6三千美元以上 More than $3000
7保密 Prefer not to say

第7题:你有多少年的游戏经历? How many years have you been playing video games so far?*[单选题][不能为空]

1少于一年 less than a year
2一到三年 1-3 years
3四到六年 4-6 years
4七到十年 7-10 years
5十年以上 10 years +

第8题:你平均一周玩多长时间游戏? How much time do you spend on play video games in an average week.*[单选题][必须填]

1最多两小时 Up to 2 hours
2二到五小时 2-5 hours
3六到十小时 6-10 hours
4十一到十五小时 11-15 hours
5十六到二十小时 16-20 hours
6二十小时以上 More than 20 hours

第9题:你用什么平台进行游戏? What platforms do you use to play video games? (Multiple choice)* 【多选题】[多选题][非必答题]

2Xbox One
3电脑 PC
4移动设备 Mobile device
5其他 Other

第10题:哪个是你玩游戏最常用的平台? Which platform do you play video games on the most?*[单选题][不能为空]

3移动设备 Mobile device
4电脑 PC
5其他 other

第11题:你玩什么类型的游戏? What types of video games do you play? (Mutiple Choice)* 【多选题】[多选题][选填]

1动作冒险类 Action/Adventure
2射击类 Shooter (FPS/TPS)
3大逃杀类 Battle Royale
4恐怖类 Horror
5大型多人在线类 Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO)
6音乐类 Music/Dance/Rhythm
7角色扮演类 Roleplaying (RPG)
8解谜类 Puzzle
9模拟类 Simulation
10桌面棋牌类 Board/Card Games
11策略类 Strategy
12运动类 Sport
13其他 Other

第12题:你最喜欢玩什么类型的游戏? What is your favourite types of video games?*[单选题][必答题]

1动作冒险类 Action/Adventure
2射击类 Shooter (FPS/TPS)
3大逃杀类 Battle Royale
4恐怖类 Horror
5大型多人在线类 Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO)
6音乐类 Music/Dance/Rhythm
7角色扮演类 Roleplaying (RPG)
8解谜类 Puzzle
9模拟类 Simulation
10桌面棋牌类 Board/Card Games
11策略类 Strategy
12运动类 Sport
13其他 Other

第13题:你玩游戏的动机是什么? What motivates you to play video games? (Mutiple Choice)* 【多选题】[多选题][非必答题]

1成就 Achivements/Trophies
2挑战 Challenges
3竞争 Competition
4探索 Exploration
5娱乐 Fun/Entertainment
6逃避现实 Immersion/Escapism
7提高技巧 Improving Skill
8学习 Learning
9社交 Socializing
10消遣 Boredom
11合作 Corporate
12其他 other

第14题:你玩游戏的第一动机是什么? What is your primary motivation for play video games? *[单选题][必答题]

1成就 Achivements/Trophies
2挑战 Challenges
3竞争 Competition
4探索 Exploration
5娱乐 Fun/Entertainment
6逃避现实 Immersion/Escapism
7提高技巧 Improving Skill
8学习 Learning
9社交 Socializing
10消遣 Boredom
11合作 Corporate
12其他 Other

第15题:你平均每周在游戏上的花销是? How much money do you spend on video game weekly?*[单选题][必须填]

1无花销 0
2低于10美元 Less than $10
3十一到五十美元 $11-50
4五十一到一百美元 $51-100
5一百美元以上 More than $100
6保密 Prefer not to say

第16题:你玩过哪些大逃杀类游戏? Which battle royale games have you palyed? (Multiple Choice)* 【多选题】[多选题][非必答题]

1H1Z1 杀戮之王 H1Z1 king of kills
2堡垒之夜 Fortnite
3绝地求生大逃杀 PUBG
4Apex Legends
5使命召唤:黑色行动4 Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
6Ring of Elysium
7其他 other

第17题:你平均一周花多长时间玩大逃杀类游戏? How much time do you spend on Battle Royale games weekly?*[单选题][不能为空]

1五小时以下 Less than 5 hours
2五到十小时 5-10 hours
3十一到二十小时 11-20 hours
4二十一到三十小时 21-30 hours
5三十小时以上 more than 30 hours

第18题:你玩大逃杀类游戏的动机是什么? What is your motivation for play Battle Royale games?*[单选题][不能为空]

1挑战 Challenges
2成就 Achivements/Trophies
3竞争 Competition
4探索 Exploration
5娱乐 Fun/Entertainment
6逃避现实 Immersion/Escapism
7提高技巧 Improving skill
8学习 Learning
9社交 Socializing
10消遣 Boredom
11合作 Corporate
12其他 Other

第19题:大逃杀类游戏的哪一点最吸引你? Which one is most attractive part of battle royale to you?*[单选题][必须填]

1最后幸存玩法 Last one standing gameplay
2杀戮 Killing
3生存 Survival
4探索 Exploration
5现实 Reality
6其他 Other

第20题:目前为止你认为哪一款大逃杀类游戏最好? Which one you think is best Battle Royale game in general so far?*[单选题][不能为空]

1绝地求生大逃杀 PUBG
2堡垒之夜 Fortnite
3Apex Legends
4使命召唤:黑色行动4 Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
5Ring of Elysium
6H1Z1 杀戮之王 H1Z1 king of kill
7其他 Other

第21题:你是通过什么途径得知Apex Legends的? How did you first find out about the Apex Legends? (Multiple Choice)* 【多选题】[多选题][选填]

1游戏直播平台 Games live streaming platform (Twitch, Douyu, etc.)
2游戏论坛 Game forum
3游戏杂志 Game magazine(Print)
4游戏新闻 Game News
5社交媒体 Social Medias (Facebook, Wechat, etc.)
6朋友 Friends
7游戏平台 Gaming platform (Steam, Origin, etc.)
8游戏网站 Gaming website (IGN, etc.)
9广告 Ads
10其他 Other

第22题:你为什么选择玩Apex Legends? Why did you play Apex Legends? (Multiple Choice)* 【多选题】[多选题][非必答题]

1游戏机制 Game mechanism
2游戏画面风格 Game video style
3人物和武器模型 Characters and Weapons Model
4独特的人物和技能 Unique Characters and Skills
5背景故事 Backgroud
6与朋友一起玩 Play with friends
7主播的关注者 Follower of streamers
8忠诚于前作 Loyalty to previos series game
9其他 Others

第23题:您玩了多久Apex Legends? How long have you been play the Apex Legends?*[单选题][不能为空]

1刚开始 Just started
2不到一周 Less than a week
3一到三周 1-3 weeks
4四到七周 4-7 weeks
58周以上 More than 8 weeks

第24题:你平均一周花多长时间玩Apex Legends? How much time do you spend on play Apex Legends in an average week?*[单选题][必答题]

1五小时以下 Less than 5 hours
26-10小时 6-10 hours
311-20小时 11-20 hours
420小时以上 more than 20 hours

第25题:你总共在Apex Legends里花过多少钱?How much money do you spend on Apex legends in total?*[单选题][必答题]

1低于10美元 Less than 10 US dollar
210-50美元 10-50 US dollar
351-100美元 51-100 US dollar
4101-200美元 101-200 US dollar
5200美元以上 More than 200 US dollar

第26题:你如何知道有关Apex Legends的最新消息? How do you know the latest information about Apex Legends?*[单选题][必答题]

1官媒 Offical social media account
2游戏论坛 Game forum
3游戏网站 Game Website (IGN)
4主播 Streamer
5搜索引擎 Search engine
6游戏杂志 Game magzine
7游戏平台 Game platform(Steam, Orgin etc.)
8其他 Other

第27题:你在网上寻找关于游戏的什么信息? What kind of information do you seeking online about Apex Legends?*[单选题][不能为空]

1攻略 Walkthrough
2游戏更新 Game updata
3游戏内物品促销或更新 In-game items disccount or updata
4直播内容 Live broadcast
5寻找游戏队友 Find out teammate
6其他 Other

第28题:你寻求这些信息的目的是什么? What is your pourpose of seeking those information about Apex Legends?*[单选题][必答题]

1游戏入门 Getting started
2提升技巧 Improving skill
3探索新玩法 Exploration new gameplay
4更改角色外观 Change the appearance of the character
5社交 Socializing
6其他 Other

第29题:你是否玩过其他大逃杀类游戏,如果是,回答第30题。Have you played other battle royale games? If yes, answer the question 30.*[单选题][必答题]


第30题:你为什么现在玩Apex Legends而不是其他大逃杀类游戏? Why do you play Apex Legends now rather than other battle royale games? (Multiple choice) 【多选题】[多选题][非必答题]

1游戏节奏更快 Faster game pace
2更便捷的方向标记机制 More convenient direction mark mechanism
3更简单的交流机制 Easy in-game commuication mechanism
4更容易上手 Easier to get started
5与朋友一起玩 Play with friends
6新玩法 New game experience
7其他 Other



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