You are being invited to take part in a research project. Before you decide whether or not to participate, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully and discuss it with others if you wish. Ask us if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information. Take time to decide whether or not you wish to take part. Thank you for reading this.
您被邀请参加一个研究项目。 在您决定是否参与之前,了解为什么要进行研究以及将涉及哪些内容对您来说很重要。 如果您愿意,请花时间仔细阅读以下信息并与他人讨论。 询问我们是否有任何不清楚的地方,或者您是否需要更多信息。 花点时间决定是否要参加。 谢谢您阅读此篇。
With the advent of the mobile Internet era, in addition to pictures and text, video has gradually become a way for people to obtain information. The main purpose of this project is to investigate the impact of short video app design on user experience by evaluating TikTok.
This questionnaire survey takes about 5 minutes and has a total of 17 questions. It will be conducted anonymously. The collected data will be stored securely in the database, so participants do not need to worry about any other risks, such as information leakage.
This project has been ethically approved via the University of Sheffield’s Ethics Review Procedure, as administered by information department.
It you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the research and wish to make a complaint, please contact [Zouni Cai; Zcai20@sheffield.ac.uk] in the first instance.
Thank you for taking part in the project.
为了让广大学生有一个良好的互填问卷的环境, 我组织了一个几百人的大群, 里面都是想要互填问卷的人, 大家在这里诚信互填,
还能交流问卷数据分析的经验, 另外我们会经常在群里分享一些数据分析和问卷设计的视频教程。
如果你对问卷数据分析感兴趣, 或者想要互填问卷, 可以加入这个群:
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我已经把这个问卷编辑成了特殊的格式, 可以批量导入到问卷星, 面得你自己创建题目了。
你只需要将下面的题目复制到问卷星的题目编辑页面即可, 想知道如何快速导入问卷星题目, 可以看这篇文章: 问卷星如何快速批量添加题目。
以下是所有的问卷题目及其选项, 建议大家尽量使用”问卷星”作为网络问卷平台, 支持的题型更多, 更好用, 数据分析更方便。
第1题:Have you decided to participate in this anonymous survey?
第2题:What's your age?
第3题:What is your gender?
选项值 | 选项标签 |
1 | Male 男性 |
2 | Female 女性 |
3 | Don't want to reveal 不想透露 |
第4题:What's your occupation?
选项值 | 选项标签 |
1 | Student 学生 |
2 | Worked 已工作 |
第5题:Do you use Douyin/ TikTok App?
第6题:How long have you used Douyin/TikTok App?
选项值 | 选项标签 |
1 | less than a month 1个月以下 |
2 | one to six month 1-6个月 |
3 | six to twelve month 6-12个月 |
4 | more than one year 12个月以上 |
第7题:What appeals to you most about the Douyin/ TikTok app?
抖音App最吸引您的点是? 【最少选择2项】[多选题][非必答题]
选项值 | 选项标签 |
1 | Short video viewing 短视频观看 |
2 | Social section (private message, like, comment) 社交板块(私信、点赞、评论) |
3 | Video clip 视频剪辑 |
4 | Live broadcast 直播 |
5 | Short video e-commerce (shopping) 短视频电商(购物) |
第8题:How long will the short video length make you lose interest or feel impatient?
多长时间的短视频长度会使你失去兴趣或者感到不耐烦? 【多选题】[多选题][可以为空]
选项值 | 选项标签 |
1 | short videos within 30 seconds 长度在30秒以内的短视频 |
2 | 30 seconds- 1 minute 30秒到1分钟 |
3 | 1 minute- 3 minutes 1分钟到3分钟 |
4 | more than 3 minutes 3分钟以上 |
第9题:What do you think of the platform quality of the Douyin/TikTok App?
选项值 | 选项标签 |
1 | strongly disagree 非常不同意 |
2 | disagree 不同意 |
3 | general 一般 |
4 | agree 同意 |
5 | strongly agree非常同意 |
第10题:What do you think of the functional experience of Douyin/TikTok App?
选项值 | 选项标签 |
1 | strongly disagree 非常不同意 |
2 | disagree 不同意 |
3 | general 一般 |
4 | agree 同意 |
5 | strongly agree 非常同意 |
第11题:Do you think Douyin/TikTok App needs to introduce more features, such as viewing videos in the classified area?
第12题:How is your emotional perception experience with Douyin/TikTok App?(The higher the number, the more agree.)
您对抖音 App 的情感感知体验情况如何?(数字越大越赞同)[单选题][可以为空]
选项值 | 选项标签 |
1 | 0 |
2 | 1 |
3 | 2 |
4 | 3 |
5 | 4 |
6 | 5 |
7 | 6 |
8 | 7 |
9 | 8 |
10 | 9 |
11 | 10 |
第13题:At which moment did you want to turn off the App?
哪一瞬间让您想要关掉抖音App? 【多选题】[多选题][非必答题]
选项值 | 选项标签 |
1 | Swipe continuously and repeatedly to similar videos 连续重复刷到同类视频 |
2 | Browse to vulgar, low-quality videos 刷到低俗、劣质视频 |
3 | Browse to ad 刷到硬广植入 |
4 | Browsing for too long, I just don’t want to read it 刷太久了 单纯不想看了 |
第14题:What would you do if you get vulgar, low-quality videos? (For example, videos of beautiful women twisting, or some misleading videos, such as teaching people how to keep the results of COVID-19 test negative)
刷到低俗,劣质的视频您会怎么做?(例如美女扭动的视频,或者某些错误引导视频,例如教导人们如何将新冠疫苗检测的结果保持在阴性) 【多选题】[多选题][可以为空]
选项值 | 选项标签 |
1 | Wipe away the current video quickly 迅速划走当前视频 |
2 | Report directly 直接举报 |
3 | Close the app directly 直接关闭App |
4 | I think this kind of video is very interesting, I will like it or share it with my friends 觉得这类视频很有趣,会点赞或分享给朋友 |
第15题:Please sort the following options from strong to weak.
请对以下选项由强至弱进行排序。 【排序题】[排序题][可以为空]
选项值 | 选项标签 |
1 | Simple appearance design 外表设计简洁 |
2 | Rich content 内容丰富 |
3 | Rich social functions 可以社交 |
4 | Complete functions and stable operation 功能完善运行状况稳定 |
第16题:In your opinion, what are the disadvantages of Douyin/TikTok App?
您认为抖音App存在什么缺点? 【多选题】[多选题][可以为空]
选项值 | 选项标签 |
1 | Content homogenization 内容同质化 |
2 | Part of the content is too vulgar 部分内容过于低俗 |
3 | The content has no depth 内容没深度 |
4 | Weak social function 社交功能弱 |
5 | Too many ads and serious commercialization 广告过多,商业化严重 |
6 | Single appearance design 外观设计单一 |
第17题:If you are the developer of Douyin/TikTok short video app, what suggestions do you have for improving the experience?
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