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第1题:1.您的性别(Your Gender):*[单选题][必须填]

1A.男 (Male)

第2题:2.您的年龄(How old are you):*[单选题][必须填]

1A.18岁以下 (Under the age of 18)
2B.18-25岁 (18 to 25 years old)
3C.26-30岁 (26 to 30 years old)
4D.31-40岁 (31 to 40 years old)
5E.40岁以上 (Over 40)

第3题:3.您的月收入/生活费是多少(How much is your monthly income / Living Expenses(RMB))?*[单选题][不能为空]

1A.2000元以下 (Less than 2,000 )
2B.2000元-3000元 ( 2,000-3,000 )
3C.3500元-4500元 (3,500-4,500 )
4D.5000元及以上 ( 5,000 and above)

第4题:4.您平均一年进行旅游几次(How many times a year do you travel on average):*[单选题][不能为空]

1A.0次 (0)
2B.1次-5次 (1-5)
3C.6次-10次 (6-10)
4D.11次-20次 (11-20)

第5题:5.出游时,您会选择哪种类型的旅馆(When traveling, what type of hotel do you prefer):* 【多选题】[多选题][非必答题]

1A. 酒店 (Hotel)
2B. 青年旅社 (Youth Hostels)
3C. 民宿 (Homestay)
4D. 其他 (Others)

第6题:6.您选择住宿的信息来源是(The information source for your choice of accommodation is? ):*[单选题][不能为空]

1A. 网络及其他媒体 (Internet and other media)
2B. 亲戚朋友介绍 (Friends and relatives)
3C. 旅行社 (Travel Agency)
4D. 当地导游介绍 (Local tour guide introduction)
5E. 现场自行寻找 (Find it on the spot)
6F. 其他 (Other)

第7题:7.您倾向选择民宿的地方?(Which home stay do you prefer?)* 【多选题】[多选题][选填]

1A. 江南水乡 (Canal Towns in Southern China)
2B. 西北风情 (Northwest Style)
3C. 朴实北方 (Plain North )
4D. 浪漫海滨 (Romantic Beach)
5E.热情川渝 (Passion for Sichuan and Chongqing)
6F.出境体验:港澳台 (Outbound Experience: Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)
7G.神秘西藏 (Mysterious Tibet)

第8题:8.您最期望入住哪种类型的民宿?(What kind of culture do you most expect to stay in?)*[单选题][不能为空]

1A. 当地特色风格 (Local style)
2B. 中国少数民族风格 (Nationalities of China)
3D. 异国风格 (Exotic style)
4E. 只要舒服怎么都行 (As long as it's comfortable)

第9题:9.选择民宿时,您考虑最多的因素或是最有吸引力的因素有哪些: (What factors do you consider most or most attractive when choosing a homestay ?[multiple choice])* 【多选题】[多选题][非必答题]

1A. 附近靠近主要的旅游景点(Near the main tourist attractions)
2B. 交通是否便利(Is the transportation convenient)
3C. 体验当地人文风俗及民宿活动(Experience the local culture, customs and residential activities)
4D. 建筑外观及室内装饰(Architectural appearance and Interior Decoration)
5E. 消费比较便宜(It's cheaper to spend)
6F. 口碑(Word of mouth)
7G. 环境氛围(Ambient atmosphere)
8H. 卫生情况(Sanitary condition)

第10题:10.您在选择居住在线租赁平台时会考虑到的因素有: (When you choose to live on-line rental platform, you will consider the following factors: [ multiple topics ]) * 【多选题】[多选题][非必答题]

1A. 知名品牌、规模大(Well-known brand, large scale)
2B. 用户多信誉有保障(Multi-user reputation is guaranteed)
3C. 价格低 (Low Prices)
4D. 房源充足,房屋类型多(There are plenty of houses and many types of houses)
5E. 装修风格(Decoration Style)
6F. 平台操作方便快捷(The platform is easy and fast to operate)

第11题:11.您知道民宿在线租赁平台有哪些? (Do you know any online homestay rental platform [ multiple choice ]) * 【多选题】[多选题][非必答题]

1A. 爱彼迎(Airbnb)
2B. 途家 (Tujia)
3C.小猪-- 民宿短租 (XiaoZhu)

第12题:12.您是否使用过Airbnb?( Have you ever used Airbnb? )*[单选题][必答题]

1A. 是(Yes)
2B. 否(No)

第13题:13.您是通过什么渠道了解到Airbnb(爱彼迎)短租平台的? (How did you learn about Airbnb's rental platform? ) *[单选题][必答题]

1A.网络媒体(Internet Media)
2B.社交平台(微博、微信等) (Social Media Platforms. (Weibo, Wechat, etc.))
3C.报纸书刊(Newspapers and books)
4D.朋友推荐(Recommended by a friend)

第14题:14.在国内,您能接受Airbnb(爱彼迎)的一晚人均住房价格是: (ln China, the per capita housing price you can accept Airbnb for one night is(RMB)) *[单选题][必答题]

1A.150以下(Under 150 )
2B.150-300 (150-290)
3C.300-500 (300-500)
4D.500以上(Among 500)

第15题:15.您认为Airbnb(爱彼迎)主要从哪些方面体现着文化特色? (What do you think are the main aspects of Airbnb's culture? ) * 【多选题】[多选题][选填]

1A. 建筑和装修风格(Architectural and decorative styles )
2B. 历史遗存(Historical remains)
3C. 餐饮特色(Dining specialty )
4D. 民俗特色活动(Folkloric Activities )
5E. 停车购物配套(Parking and shopping.)
6F. 服务质量(Quality of Service)

第16题:16.您对Airbnb(爱彼迎)的体验感受如何? (How do you feel about Airbnb? ) *[单选题][不能为空]

1A.服务质量高(High quality of service)
2B.与其他平台没有差异性(No difference from other platforms)
3C.缺乏持续舒适的实际体验(Lack of constant comfort in the physical experience)
4D.不如其他平台提供的体验服务(Not as good as the experience offered by other platforms)

第17题:17.使用Airbnb(爱彼迎)预定房间您会担心: (Use Airbnb to book a room and you'll worry: [ multiple topics ] )* 【多选题】[多选题][非必答题]

1A.房屋照片及描述与实际不符,例如,房屋的设施质量及卫生等(The photographs and description of the house do not correspond to the actual conditions, such as the quality and hygiene of the facilities of the House.)
2B.联系不到房东导致无法正常入住(Couldn't get in touch with the landlord, made it impossible to check in.)
3C.房东因为各种临时问题取消订单(The landlord cancelled the order because of various temporary problems .)
4D.入住和退房手续繁琐(Check-in and check-out procedures are cumbersome .)
5E.使用平台过程中遇到问题不能及时解决(Problems encountered in using the platform can not be solved in time.)
6F.房屋的安全设施标准及服务质量低于酒店(The Standard of safety facilities and service of the House is lower than that of the hotel .)
7G.平台安全保障体系不够完善导致人身财产安全得不到保障(Platform security system is not perfect, resulting in the security of personal and property can not be guaranteed .)
8H. 人身财产安全(Safety of persons and Property .)

第18题:18.您认为现有民宿存在的主要问题是: (In your opinion, the main problem of the existing homestay is: [ multiple choice ]) * 【多选题】[多选题][非必答题]

1A.没有标准的行业规范,管理参差不齐(There is no standard industry standard and management is uneven)
2B.设施简陋 (The facilities are rudimentary)
3C.服务较差 (Poor Service)
4D.卫生条件差(Poor Sanitation)
5E.订房不便捷部分民宿需要提前付款(It is not convenient to book a room. Some homestay need to pay in advance)
6F.交通不便捷(It's not easy to get around)
7G.价格不合理(The price is unreasonable)
8H.民宿周边环境差(The bad surroundings of the bed and breakfast)
9I.安全隐私性差(Poor Security and Privacy)
10J.没有特色(Nothing Special)

第19题:您认为Airbnb(爱彼迎)有哪些可以改进的地方?(简答题) (What do you think Airbnb could do better? (short answer) *[填空题][必答题]



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