



This project aims to figure out the relationship between KOL and consumer decision-making of buying museum cultural and creative products. The researcher will choose Palace Museum in Beijing, China as a study case and Sina Weibo as the social platform. Besides, the KOls include some famous bloggers and stars and cultural and creative products of the Palace Museum include cosmetics, food, clothing, games, jewelry, handicrafts and other related products. It will take you approximately 10 minutes to complete this questionnaire and your participation in this survey is entirely voluntary and youcan withdraw at any time.

All the information that I collect about you during the course of the research will be kept strictly confidential and will only be accessible to my supervisor and assessors of the dissertation. Once you have given consent, you will only be referred to using an artificial identifier, and any personal data to represent your credibility as a source will be anonymised. Personal data will be held securely for the duration of this research project and destroyed once the dissertation has been assessed.

This project has been ethically approved via the University of Sheffield’s Ethics Review Procedure, as administered by the School of Management.



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第1题:您的性别 Gender*[单选题][必须填]

1男 male
2女 female

第2题:您的年龄 Age*[单选题][不能为空]

118岁以下 under 18
218-25岁 between 18 and 25
326-40岁 between 26 and 40
440岁以上 over 40

第3题:您的学历 Education background*[单选题][必须填]

1初中及以下 junior high school
2高中 senior high school
3大学 undergraduate
4硕士及以上 postgraduate

第4题:您的月支配收入 Disposable income per month*[单选题][不能为空]

11500元以下 under 1,500 yuan
21500元到5000元 between 1,500 yuan and 5,000 yuan
35000元到10000元 between 5,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan
410000元以上 over 10,000 yuan

第5题:您是否曾经在新浪微博上浏览到过故宫文创产品相关的内容? Have you ever read about cultural and creative products of the Palace Museum on Sina Weibo?*[单选题][不能为空]

1是 Yes
2否 No

第6题:您是否曾经在新浪微博上看到过KOL宣传故宫文创产品? Have you ever seen KOL promoting cultural and creative products of the Palace Museum on Sina Weibo?*[单选题][必答题]

1是 Yes
2否 No

第7题:当您看到此类宣传时心里感受如何? How do you feel when you see these promotions?*[单选题][不能为空]

1厌烦 Boredom
2一般 No special feeling
3愉悦 Pleasure

第8题:该文创产品属于什么种类?(如多次看到此类KOL宣传,请选择您印象最深刻的一次作答) What kind of product does this cultural and creative products belong to?*[单选题][必答题]

1故宫美妆 cosmetics
2故宫食品 food
3故宫服装 clothing
4故宫游戏 games
5故宫珠宝 jewelry
6故宫文具 stationery
7故宫工艺品 crafts
8故宫生活用品 daily life supplies
9其他 else

第9题:请您写出该KOL的名字?(如不记得可以直接回答不记得) Can you write the name of key opinion leader?*[填空题][不能为空]

第10题:该KOL的宣传微博给您提供了一些您之前不了解的产品信息吗? Did the KOL promotion provide you with some product information that you didn't know before?*[单选题][不能为空]

1是 Yes
2否 No

第11题:您最后购买了该产品吗? Did you buy this products in the end?*[单选题][必答题]

1是 Yes
2否 No

第12题:您认为该KOL的宣传在多大程度上影响了您最后对该产品的购买行为? To what extent do you think the promotion of this KOL has influenced your final purchase behavior of this product?*[填空题][必须填]

第13题:您认为该KOL的宣传在多大程度上导致您最后放弃购买该产品? To what extent do you think the promotion of this KOL caused you to give up buying this product?*[填空题][必答题]

第14题:您可以具体阐述您为何因为该KOL放弃购买产品吗?(如无关,请直接填写无关) Can you tell me specifically why you gave up buying the product because of the KOL?[填空题][可以为空]

第15题:KOL对其宣传产品领域的专业性在多大程度上会影响您的消费选择?(专业性是指该KOL具备该领域的相关知识、经过专业训练、拥有专业能力、具有丰富的实践经验。) To what extent does KOL's expertise in the field of the products affect your consumption choices? (Expertise means that the KOL has relevant knowledge, professional training, professional ability and rich practical experience in the field.)*[填空题][必答题]

第16题:KOL的互动性在多大程度上会影响您的消费选择?(互动性是指该KOL是否能迅速回应网友的问题或话题。) To what extent does KOL's interactivity affect your consumption choices? (Interactivity refers to whether the KOL can quickly respond to fans' questions or topics.)*[填空题][必答题]

第17题:KOL的产品涉入在多大程度上会影响您的消费选择?(产品涉入是指该KOL平时非常喜好和关注这类产品,该KOL对此类产品花费了很多心思和时间。) To what extent does the products involvement of KOL affect your consumption choices? (Product involvement means that the KOL is very fond of and concerned about this kind of products at ordinary times, and the KOL has put a lot of thought and time into these products.)*[填空题][必须填]

第18题:此题考察KOL给潜在消费者带来的感知价值。 This question examines the perceived value which KOL brings to potential consumers.*[单选题][必答题]

1不重要 No importantce
2不太重要 Not very important
3重要 Important
4比较重要 More important
5十分重要 Very important

第19题:您认为KOL宣传文创产品时图文并茂是重要的吗? Do you think it is important for KOL to promote cultural and creative products with both words and pictures?*[单选题][不能为空]


第20题:您认为KOL宣传文创产品时需要附上视频吗? Do you think video should be attached when KOL promotes cultural and creative products?*[单选题][必答题]


第21题:您认为故宫文创是否有必要与新浪微博KOL合作? Do you think it is necessary for the Palace Museum to cooperate with Sina Weibo KOL to promote cultural and creative products?*[单选题][必答题]

1没有必要 No need.
2看情况 It depends.
3很有必要 Very necessary.

第22题:您认为故宫文创在选择合作KOL时需要注意什么? What do you think the Palace Museum should pay attention to when choosing KOL to cooperate?* 【多选题】[多选题][选填]

1形象 Apperance
2口碑 Reputation
3热度 Popularity
4与故宫气质契合 Fit with the temperament of the Palace Museum



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